FFIRE Postdoctoral Scholars
The following are the UGA postdoctoral scholars in the Future Faculty for Inclusive Research Excellence (FFIRE) UGA Postdoctoral Scholars Program.
Dr. Andreas Copan
FFIRE Postdoctoral Scholar
School of Environmental, Civil, Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Brandon Rotavera
Dr. Stephanann Costello
FFIRE Postdoctoral Scholar
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center & Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty Mentors: Dr. Arthur Edison and Dr. Breeanna Urbanowicz
Dr. John Heydinger
FFIRE Postdoctoral Scholar
Savannah River Ecology Lab & Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resoures
Faculty Mentor: Dr. James Beasley
Dr. Emily Richardson
FFIRE Postdoctoral Scholar
Odum School of Ecology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. James Byers
Dr. Irene Sanchez Gonzalez
FFIRE Postdoctoral Scholar
Odum School of Ecology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Krista Capps